Colin Davalo (from November 2024)
Christian El Emam (from November 2024)
Nicholas Rungi (from November 2023)
Suzanne Schlich (from October 2023)
PhD students
Antoine Ablondi (from September 2024, co-supervised with François Fillastre)
Farid Diaf (expected defence March 2025)
Enrico Trebeschi (expected defence December 2024, co-supervised with Francesco Bonsante)
Diptaishik Choudhury (co-supervised with Greg McShane and Jean-Marc Schlenker, February 2019-April 2023)
Master students
Antoine Ablondi, A differential approach to Weil-Petersson geometry, ENS Lyon 2023 (M2 final project)
Oliviero Malech, The geometry of Seifert three-orbifolds, SISSA 2021 (Master final project, co-supervised with Mattia Mecchia)
Enrico Trebeschi, The half-space model of pseudo-hyperbolic space, Università di Bologna 2021 (Master final project, co-supervised with Stefano Francaviglia)
Farid Diaf, Anti-de Sitter proof of Thurston's earthquake theorem, Université Paris-Saclay 2021 (M2 final project)
Keeran Poirot, Géométrie différentielle affine, Université Grenoble Alpes 2024 (M1 final project)
Mohamed Boukholkhal, On moduli space of planar polygons and Morse theory, Université Lyon 1 2021 (M1 final project)
Joseph Paoli, Deux applications de la géométrie hyperbolique à la géométrie euclidienne, ENS Lyon 2021 (Bachelor final project)
Paulo José Portinha Rodriguez, How to compute the sum of 1/n^2 by solving triangles, University of Luxembourg 2018 (Bachelor final project)
Daniel Zuk, Smooth billiards and the Poncelet theorem, University of Luxembourg 2018 (Bachelor final project)